Most of us are already aware of the fact, that all versions over 6.35 the so loved by all of us irc client, mIRC passed entirely into UTF encoding, because it is a universal universal standard supporting almost all languages. All this would be great and seamlessly, if this change and transition to UTF standard and case mapping had happened in parallel and in most supported and popular IRCDs now! Alas, this does not happen for some reason and without going too deeply into technical details,we will only say that these are issues related to the implementation of quality case mapping using multi-bit characters! In short, what's going on- on the one hand, the IRCDs we connect to are set to work in cp1251 and on the other hand the new versions of our favorite chat mIRC client no longer offers the option to manually set on a network-appropriate encoding! All this with UTF encoding based networks perhaps it is not a problem for most nations at all which use the Latin alphabet and alphabets based on Latin, but that's not the case with the Cyrillic alphabet! Many of the established and popular networks in Bulgaria, Russia and many other countries using the Cyrillic alphabet, use IRCDs tuned and supporting case mapping and encoding in cp1251, making new versions of mIRC unusable in them! On the other hand, in a successful passage of these IRCDs from cp1251 to UTF encoding and case mapping, would create a number of problems and troubles for users using old scripts and irc clients already set up for cp1251! Overall, the problem is multiple and most likely, will soon not reach an established standard or a unified solution, in a nutshell, everyone is doing just as well, and each network makes a standalone decision on which path to take on the cp1251 or UTF standard! The most unpleasant thing about Cyrillic is, of course, that problems are always for the end user ,but the name of the ordinary user!
CP1251 / UTF-8 encoding script by rorshah and Ciff is a universal encoder converter designed and compatible with the new versions of mIRC over version 7.45 by which you will completely forget the settings of an encoding or an unread Cyrillic regardless of the encoding of your network! In short, the script recognizes all IRCD messages and Cyrillic characters and if you need to convert them to UTF to show them in a format that's readable to you. On the other hand, it converts all messages and graphic signs output from the client to the server in CP1251, as utf-8 networks fully recognize and display the Cyrillic in CP1251! This gives you the convenience of staying and chatting seamlessly in both CP1251 and UTF-based irc networks, completely forgetting the problem of encoding.
mIRC version 7.45 or later!
Option 1:
Download the converter using the "Download mrc" button and save it in the mIRC installation directory. Run mIRC and type the following command / load -rs universalCyrillicConvertor.mrc
Option 2:
Copy the source code using the "Copy the code" button. Run mIRC and open the Scripts Editor. Click on the remote tab. . Click the Fail menu and select New. Once an empty remote script opens,
paste the source code into it and press the OK button!
# Created by Ciff & rorshah ######################################### # • cp1251toUTF mIRC addon version 1.1. # • Compatible with mIRC v7.42 and above. # • The purpose of this addon is to convert cp1251 encoding to UTF # • and UTF encoding to cp1251. This make it universal. ######################################### # Copyright © BgIRC Network Team - 2018 ######################################### on ^1:info:*parseline*:*:{ halt } ######################################### on *:PARSELINE:*:*:{ if ($parsetype == in) { var %pl = $utfdecode($parseline) %pl = $replace(%pl,$chr(192),А,$chr(193),Б,$chr(194),В,$chr(195),Г,$chr(196),Д,$chr(197),Е,$chr(198),Ж,$chr(199),З,$chr(200),И,$chr(201),Й,$chr(202),К,$chr(203),Л,$chr(204),М,$chr(205),Н,$chr(206),О,$chr(207),П,$chr(208),Р,$chr(209),С,$chr(210),Т,$chr(211),У,$chr(212),Ф,$chr(213),Х,$chr(214),Ц,$chr(215),Ч,$chr(216),Ш,$chr(217),Щ,$chr(218),Ъ,$chr(219),Ы,$chr(220),Ь,$chr(221),Э,$chr(222),Ю,$chr(223),Я,$chr(224),а,$chr(225),б,$chr(226),в,$chr(227),г,$chr(228),д,$chr(229),е,$chr(230),ж,$chr(231),з,$chr(232),и,$chr(233),й,$chr(234),к,$chr(235),л,$chr(236),м,$chr(237),н,$chr(238),о,$chr(239),п,$chr(240),р,$chr(241),с,$chr(242),т,$chr(243),у,$chr(244),ф,$chr(245),х,$chr(246),ц,$chr(247),ч,$chr(248),ш,$chr(249),щ,$chr(250),ъ,$chr(251),ы,$chr(252),ь,$chr(253),э,$chr(254),ю,$chr(255),я) .parseline -itu0 %pl return } if ($parsetype == out) { var %pl = $parseline %pl = $replace(%pl,А,$chr(192),Б,$chr(193),В,$chr(194),Г,$chr(195),Д,$chr(196),Е,$chr(197),Ж,$chr(198),З,$chr(199),И,$chr(200),Й,$chr(201),К,$chr(202),Л,$chr(203),М,$chr(204),Н,$chr(205),О,$chr(206),П,$chr(207),Р,$chr(208),С,$chr(209),Т,$chr(210),У,$chr(211),Ф,$chr(212),Х,$chr(213),Ц,$chr(214),Ч,$chr(215),Ш,$chr(216),Щ,$chr(217),Ъ,$chr(218),Ы,$chr(219),Ь,$chr(220),Э,$chr(221),Ю,$chr(222),Я,$chr(223),а,$chr(224),б,$chr(225),в,$chr(226),г,$chr(227),д,$chr(228),е,$chr(229),ж,$chr(230),з,$chr(231),и,$chr(232),й,$chr(233),к,$chr(234),л,$chr(235),м,$chr(236),н,$chr(237),о,$chr(238),п,$chr(239),р,$chr(240),с,$chr(241),т,$chr(242),у,$chr(243),ф,$chr(244),х,$chr(245),ц,$chr(246),ч,$chr(247),ш,$chr(248),щ,$chr(249),ъ,$chr(250),ы,$chr(251),ь,$chr(252),э,$chr(253),ю,$chr(254),я,$chr(255)) .parseline -otu0 %pl return } } ######################################### on *:load:{ .echo -a 11,14cp1251toUTF mIRC addon version 1.0 by Ciff & rorshah loaded sucessfully! | .echo -a 4 mIRC need restart! | .timer 1 3 .exit -r | halt } on *:unload:{ .echo -a 11,14cp1251toUTF mIRC addon version 1.0 by Ciff & rorshah unloaded sucessfully! | halt } #########################################
channel: #help
personal: / query rorshah or / query Ciff